Hey, Troy Miller here, Democratic candidate for West Virginia House of Delegates District 98, here in Jefferson County.
I want to quickly address what is probably the hottest issue in Jefferson County.
I don't have enough time in this video to go fully in-depth...
And that is these blanket permits, and the proliferation of solar "farms" in Jefferson County without community insight, without community input, and opening up to 80% of Jefferson County's land for the zoning for the solar "farms" that will produce energy for data centers in northern Virginia -- not locally.
And what's even more offensive to me now, is that they're coming in, and the least one of these projects is basically saying they can't move forward without a 39-year tax break.
To put that in context -- that's a tax break that, if it had been implemented in 1985, it would be expiring this year (2024).
There is no reason for this.
We need elected officials who will put people over profits and community values over stockholder valuation.
I not only oppose corporate handouts to companies that will eventually create natural monopolies in our county for them to create profits that won't stay in our county; I support a 21st century Economic Bill of Rights that affirmatively fights for these rights -- this list of economic rights for individuals.

Because we need to put people over profits.
My name is Troy Miller and I'm running for House of Delegates in District 98 here in Jefferson County and find out a lot more about me and my campaign for people at www.TroyForWV.com.
On this page you can learn more and sign up for updates, to volunteer, and to DONATE! We can't take this fight to Charleston without YOUR support!
Thank you so much for tuning in and I look forward talking to you down the line!